
Trying to keep motivated in the cold

My family and friends were good to me this Christmas! I'm nearly done with all the big ticket bike accessories. Since last update I got:
-2 insulated water bottles
-Ortlieb bike packer plus rear panniers
-Garmin etrex Vista HCx and bike mount (GPS-shock/water proof)
-Cargo net
-Brooks Flyer Leather Saddle (seat)
-cold weather clothes/bike jersey/shorts/socks/gloves/hat/shoes
 -Casio Ex-G1 Digital Camera and bike mount(shock/dust/water/freeze proof)
                                             Picture below:

I've only made it out for one ride so far this winter (I'm not really a fan of cold) so most of my training has been in spinning classes, and stationary bikes. Looking into a week long bike trip when the weather warms up a bit. I'll keep you updated